(Tips) GAnalysis::EOF の使い方
- EOF解析(経験直交関数解析)を行う
- 固有値計算部分は
Ruby/GSL のいずれかを利用する
- ssl2, lapack, gsl の順に探し、見つかったものを使用する
- 小さな問題にはgslでもよいが、ベクトルの次元数が大きい場合は他を使うことをおすすめする
- 現在の仕様では、パフォーマンスを優先するために、共分散行列の計算時に、すべてのデータをメモリ上に読み込むため、メモリサイズを越えるデータのEOFをとると、実行に失敗するか、スワップを使用し著しく遅くなるため、注意が必要である
- 重み関数を指定することができる ("weight" option)
- 名前が "lon", "lat" で始まる軸変数を両方持っている場合は、自動的に cos(lat) の重みが適用される
- 出力されるEOFベクトルは、ベクトル長が固有値の平方根(PC の標準偏差)となっている
eofs, rates = NumRu::GAnalysis.eof(gphys, dim0[, dim1, ..., dimN][, opts])
eofs, rates = gphys.eof(dim0[, dim1, ..., dimN][, opts])
- gphys: GPhys object to be calculated its EOF
- dim0, ..., dimN: dimension name (String) or number (Ingeter) to calculate variance or covariance, and those dimensions are not contained in the result EOF vectors.
- opts:
a Hash object whose key is String or Symbol. The following options are available:
- nmodes: Integer, number of EOF modes to be calculate (default all EOF modes)
- weight: GPhys or NArray, weight vector gphys is multiplied by the weight vector before calculation of variance covariance matrix and the result eigen vectors are divided by the vector. If weight vector is not set, it is cosine of latitude when the first two axes of the +gphys+ are "lon" and "lat" and +disable_weight+ option is not +true+, else 1.
- disable_weight: See weight option.
- eofs: GPhys object for array of EOF vectors.
- rates: GPhys object for array of contribution rate correspoinding to the EOF vectors.
乱数による2次元ベクトルのEOF (ソースに含まれている例)
- サンプルソース
require "numru/gphys" require "numru/ggraph" require "numru/ganalysis/eof" include NumRu N = 10000 x = NArray.float(N).randomn!*2 y = NArray.float(N).randomn!*1 ary = NArray.float(2,N) theta = Math::PI/6 ary[0,true] = x*Math::cos(theta)-y*Math::sin(theta) ary[1,true] = x*Math::sin(theta)+y*Math::cos(theta) vary = VArray.new(ary, { }, "test") axis0 = Axis.new axis0.pos = VArray.new(NArray[0,1], {}, "dimensions") axis1 = Axis.new axis1.pos = VArray.new(NArray.sint(N).indgen, {}, "t") gphys = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis0,axis1), vary) eof,rate = gphys.eof("t") max = 5 DCL::gropn(4) DCL::grfrm DCL::grsvpt(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9) DCL::grswnd(-max,max,-max,max) DCL::grstrn(1) DCL::grstrf DCL::sgpmzu(ary[0,true],ary[1,true],1,1,0.01) eof1 = eof[true,0].val eof2 = eof[true,1].val DCL::sgplzu([eof1[0],-eof1[0]],[eof1[1],-eof1[1]], 1, 23) DCL::sgplzu([eof2[0],-eof2[0]],[eof2[1],-eof2[1]], 1, 43) DCL::usdaxs DCL::uxsttl("T","test of GAnalysis::eof",0) # TEST OF GAnalysis::eof2 vary1 = VArray.new(ary[0,true], { }, "test") gphys1 = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis1), vary1) vary2 = VArray.new(ary[1,true], { }, "test") gphys2 = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis1), vary2) eof,rate = GAnalysis.eof2(gphys1,gphys2) max = 5 DCL::grfrm DCL::grsvpt(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9) DCL::grswnd(-max,max,-max,max) DCL::grstrn(1) DCL::grstrf DCL::sgpmzu(ary[0,true],ary[1,true],1,1,0.01) eof1 = eof[true,0].val eof2 = eof[true,1].val DCL::sgplzu([eof1[0],-eof1[0]],[eof1[1],-eof1[1]], 1, 23) DCL::sgplzu([eof2[0],-eof2[0]],[eof2[1],-eof2[1]], 1, 43) DCL::usdaxs DCL::uxsttl("T","test of GAnalysis::eof2",0) DCL::grcls
- サンプルデータ: NCEP/NCAR 月平均海面構成気圧場 (約30MB)
- サンプルソース
require "numru/gphys" require "numru/ganalysis" require "numru/ggraph" include NumRu slp = GPhys::IO.open("slp.mon.mean.nc","slp") # ftp://ftp.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/surface/slp.mon.mean.nc slp = slp.cut("lat"=>30..90) # 北緯30度以北のデータを使用する slp = slp[{0..-1,4},{0..-1,2},true] # 経度, 緯度について4, 2点おきに読む # 計算時間を速めるため(∴不要) nt = slp.shape[2] mon = NArray.sint(12,nt/12).indgen #=> [ [0,1,..,11], [12,13,..,23], .. ] mon = mon[[0,1,11],true] # [0,1,11]: Jan,Feb,Dec (use [0] to include only Jan) mon = mon.reshape!(mon.total) # to 1D (list of months to use) slp = slp[true,true,mon] # 12,1,2月のデータを切取り vec,val = slp.eof("time","norder"=>2) # EOF第2モードまで計算する DCL::gropn(4) GGraph.set_fig("itr"=>32) eof = vec[true,true,0] if eof.cut("lat"=>90).mean > 0 eof = -eof # 北極における値がが負になるようにする end GGraph.tone(eof, true, "min"=>-7.0, "max"=>7.0) GGraph.contour(eof,false, "min"=>-7.0, "max"=>7.0) GGraph.map("coast_world"=>true) DCL::grcls
require "numru/gphys" module NumRu module GAnalysis begin require "numru/ssl2" @@EOF_engin = "ssl2" rescue LoadError begin require "numru/lapack" @@EOF_engin = "lapack" rescue LoadError begin require "gsl" @@EOF_engin = "gsl" rescue LoadError end end end print "EOF engin is #{@@EOF_engin}\n" if $DEBUG module_function # = Calculate EOF vectors and contribution rate # call-seq: # NumRu::GAnalysis.eof(gphys, dim0[, dim1, ..., dimN[, opts]]) => [eof, rate] # # == Arguments # +gphys+:: GPhys object to be calculated its EOF # +dim0+, ..., +dimN+:: dimension name (String) or number (Ingeter) to calculate variance or covariance, and those dimensions are not contained in the result EOF vectors. # +opts+:: a Hash object whose key is String or Symbol. The following options are available: # * nmodes: Integer, number of EOF modes to be calculate (default all EOF modes) # * weight: GPhys or NArray, weight vector # +gphys+ is multiplied by the weight vector before calculation of variance covariance matrix # and the result eigen vectors are divided by the vector. # If weight vector is not set, # it is cosine of latitude when the first two axes of the +gphys+ are "lon" and "lat" and +disable_weight+ option is not +true+, # else 1. # * disable_weight: See weight option. # # == Return values # +eof+:: GPhys object for array of EOF vectors. # +rate+:: GPhys object for array of contribution rate correspoinding to the EOF vectors. def eof(gphys, *args) unless defined?(@@EOF_engin) raise "eigher ssl2 or gsl is required" end if Hash === args[-1] dims = args[0..-2] opts = args[-1] else dims = args opts = Hash.new end dims = dims.map{|dim| gphys.dim_index(dim) } n = 1 n_lost = 1 dims1 = Array.new shape1 = Array.new gphys.shape.each_with_index{|s,i| if dims.include?(i) n_lost *= s else n *= s dims1.push i shape1.push s end } new_grid = gphys.instance_variable_get("@grid").delete_axes(dims, "covariance matrix").copy new_index = NArray.sint(*new_grid.shape).indgen index = NArray.object(gphys.rank) index[dims] = true if w = (opts[:weight] || opts["weight"]) if GPhys === w w = w.val end unless NArray === w raise "weight must be NArray of GPhys" end unless w.shape == new_grid.shape raise "shape of weight is invalid" end w /= w.mean w.reshape!(n) else if !(opts[:disable_weight]||opts["disable_weight"]) && /^lon/ =~ new_grid.coord(0).name && /^lat/ =~ new_grid.coord(1).name rad = NumRu::Units.new("radian") nlon = new_grid.coord(0).length lat = new_grid.coord(1).convert_units(rad).val w = NArray.new(lat.typecode,nlon).fill!(1) * NMath::cos(lat).reshape(1,lat.length) w /= w.mean w.reshape!(n) else w = nil end end ary = NArrayMiss.new(gphys.typecode, n_lost, n) ind_rank = dims1.length ind = Array.new(ind_rank,0) n.times{|n1| index[dims1] = ind val = gphys[*index].val val.reshape!(n_lost) val -= val.mean ary[true,n1] = val break if n1==n-1 ind[0] += 1 ind_rank.times{|i| if ind[i] == shape1[i] ind[i] = 0 ind[i+1] += 1 else break end } } ary.mul!(w.reshape(1,n)) if w nmodes = opts[:nmodes] || opts["nmodes"] || n case @@EOF_engin when "ssl2" print "start calc covariance matrix\n" if $DEBUG nary = NArray.new(gphys.typecode,n*(n+1)/2) nn = 0 total_var = 0 n.times{|n0| for n1 in n0...n nary[nn] = ary[n0].mul_add(ary[n1],0)/(n_lost-1) if n1==n0 total_var += nary[nn] end nn += 1 end } ary = nil # for GC print "start calc eigen vector\n" if $DEBUG val, vec = SSL2.seig2(nary,nmodes) when "lapack" print "start calc covariance matrix\n" if $DEBUG nary = NArray.new(gphys.typecode,n,n) total_var = 0.0 n.times{|n0| nary[n0...n,n0] = (ary[true,n0...n].mul_add(ary[true,n0],0)/(n_lost-1)).get_array! total_var += nary[n0,n0] } ary = nil # for GC print "start calc eigen vector\n" if $DEBUG case nary.typecode when NArray::DFLOAT m, val, vec, isuppz, work, iwork, info, = NumRu::Lapack.dsyevr("V", "I", "L", nary, 0, 0, n-nmodes+1, n, 0.0, -1, -1) m, val, vec, = NumRu::Lapack.dsyevr("V", "I", "L", nary, 0, 0, n-nmodes+1, n, 0.0, work[0], iwork[0]) when NArray::SFLOAT m, val, vec, isuppz, work, iwork, info, = NumRu::Lapack.ssyevr("V", "I", "L", nary, 0, 0, n-nmodes+1, n, 0.0, -1, -1) m, val, vec, = NumRu::Lapack.ssyevr("V", "I", "L", nary, 0, 0, n-nmodes+1, n, 0.0, work[0], iwork[0]) end val = val[-1..0] vec = vec[true,-1..0] when "gsl" print "start calc covariance matrix\n" if $DEBUG nary = NArray.new(gphys.typecode,n,n) n.times{|n0| nary[n0...n,n0] = (ary[true,n0...n].mul_add(ary[true,n0],0)/(n_lost-1)).get_array! nary[n0,n0...n] = nary[n0...n,n0] } ary = nil # for GC print "start calc eigen vector\n" if $DEBUG val, vec = GSL::Eigen::symmv(nary.to_gm) GSL::Eigen.symmv_sort(val, vec, GSL::Eigen::SORT_VAL_DESC) vec = vec.to_na[0...nmodes,true].transpose(1,0) val = val.to_na total_var = val.sum val = val[0...nmodes] end axes = new_grid.instance_variable_get('@axes') axis_order = Axis.new axis_order.pos = VArray.new(NArray.sint(nmodes).indgen(1), {}, "mode") axes << axis_order new_grid = Grid.new(*axes) vec /= w if w vec.reshape!(*new_grid.shape) vec *= NMath::sqrt( val.reshape( *([1]*(axes.length-1)+[nmodes]) ) ) va_eof = VArray.new(vec, {"long_name"=>"EOF vector","units"=>gphys.units.to_s }, "EOF") eof = GPhys.new(new_grid, va_eof) va_rate = VArray.new(val.div!(total_var), {"long_name"=>"EOF contribution rate", "units"=>"1" }, "rate") rate = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis_order), va_rate) return [eof, rate] end def eof2(gphys1, gphys2, *args) if Hash === args[-1] opts = args[-1] else opts = Hash.new end raise ArgumentError, "The 1st arg must be a GPhys of rank 1: arg1 = #{gphys1.inspect}" unless gphys1.rank==1 raise ArgumentError, "The 2nd arg must be a GPhys of rank 1: arg2 = #{gphys2.inspect}" unless gphys2.rank==1 raise ArgumentError, "The 1st and 2nd args must have the same length: #{gphys1.length}!=#{gphys2.length}" unless gphys2.rank==1 nam = NArrayMiss.new(gphys1.typecode, 2, gphys1.length) nam[0,true] = gphys1.val nam[1,true] = gphys2.val gphys = GPhys.new(Grid.new(Axis.new.set_pos(VArray.new(NArray[0,1],{},"var")), gphys1.axis(0)), VArray.new(nam,gphys1.data.attr_copy,gphys1.name)) eof(gphys, 1, opts) end end class GPhys def eof(*args) GAnalysis.eof(self, *args) end end end #:enddoc if $0 == __FILE__ require "numru/ggraph" include NumRu N = 10000 x = NArray.float(N).randomn!*2 y = NArray.float(N).randomn!*1 ary = NArray.float(2,N) theta = Math::PI/6 ary[0,true] = x*Math::cos(theta)-y*Math::sin(theta) ary[1,true] = x*Math::sin(theta)+y*Math::cos(theta) vary = VArray.new(ary, { }, "test") axis0 = Axis.new axis0.pos = VArray.new(NArray[0,1], {}, "dimensions") axis1 = Axis.new axis1.pos = VArray.new(NArray.sint(N).indgen, {}, "t") gphys = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis0,axis1), vary) eof,rate = gphys.eof("t") max = 5 DCL::gropn(4) DCL::grfrm DCL::grsvpt(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9) DCL::grswnd(-max,max,-max,max) DCL::grstrn(1) DCL::grstrf DCL::sgpmzu(ary[0,true],ary[1,true],1,1,0.01) eof1 = eof[true,0].val eof2 = eof[true,1].val DCL::sgplzu([eof1[0],-eof1[0]],[eof1[1],-eof1[1]], 1, 23) DCL::sgplzu([eof2[0],-eof2[0]],[eof2[1],-eof2[1]], 1, 43) DCL::usdaxs DCL::uxsttl("T","test of GAnalysis::eof",0) # TEST OF GAnalysis::eof2 vary1 = VArray.new(ary[0,true], { }, "test") gphys1 = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis1), vary1) vary2 = VArray.new(ary[1,true], { }, "test") gphys2 = GPhys.new(Grid.new(axis1), vary2) eof,rate = GAnalysis.eof2(gphys1,gphys2) max = 5 DCL::grfrm DCL::grsvpt(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9) DCL::grswnd(-max,max,-max,max) DCL::grstrn(1) DCL::grstrf DCL::sgpmzu(ary[0,true],ary[1,true],1,1,0.01) eof1 = eof[true,0].val eof2 = eof[true,1].val DCL::sgplzu([eof1[0],-eof1[0]],[eof1[1],-eof1[1]], 1, 23) DCL::sgplzu([eof2[0],-eof2[0]],[eof2[1],-eof2[1]], 1, 43) DCL::usdaxs DCL::uxsttl("T","test of GAnalysis::eof2",0) DCL::grcls end